Peniel Atlanta Media

Recorded Audio Services

Emmanuel Worship Services 2010

Dec 19 ► Sunday Service by John Miller      

Dec 12 ► Sunday Service by John Miller

Nov 28 ► Sunday Service by John Miller

Nov 21 ► Sunday Service by John Miller

Nov 14 ► Sunday Service by John Miller

Nov 07 ► Sunday Service by John Miller

Oct 31 ► Sunday Service by John Miller

Oct 24 ► Sunday Service by John Miller

Oct 17 ► Sunday Service by John Miller

Oct 10 ► Sunday Service by John Miller

Oct 03 ► Sunday Service by John Miller

Sept 19 ► Sunday Service by John Miller

Sept 12 ► Sunday Service by John Miller

Sept 05 ► Sunday Service by John Miller

Aug 29 ► Noah's Arc  (SERIES 9 PART) by John Miller

Aug 22 ► Noah's Arc  "Resting in God's mountain." (SERIES 8 PART) by John Miller

Aug 15 ► Noah's Arc  "Staying still until God's speak." (SERIES 7 PART) by John Miller

Aug 08 ► Noah's Arc  "The dove brings an olive leaf." (SERIES 6 PART) by John Miller

Aug 01► Noah's Arc  (SERIES 5 PART) by John Miller

July 25 ► Noah's Arc  (SERIES 4 PART) by John Miller

July 18 ► Noah's Arc  (SERIES 3 PART) by John Miller

God is a God of covenants. In the time of Noah we see that one charge God had against man was fraud. Today there is a lot of fraud causing distrust of men‘s words. We tend to stick God into the same bag that we stick man into. You do not trust God, but He is a God who keeps His covenants. God is not a man that He should lie. Know that though you are unfaithful, God will remain faithful. Though you forget what you promised, God will not forget. He keeps His promises and commitments. All God’s laws and covenants that were against us were nailed to the cross. God signed the covenant with the blood of His Son.

July 04 ► by John Miller

June 27 ► Noah's Arc "The light of the Arc" (SERIES 2 PART) by John Miller

June 20 ► by John Miller

June 13 ► by John Miller

June 06 ► by John Miller

May 30 ►  by John Miller

When we face change in this world, we are to recognize that our Godly principles are not to change. God’s principles do not rest on our circumstance but are founded in Him. When we are faced with the world pressing in on our beliefs, we are to turn to Psalm 37 for answers. We are not to fret; we turn are to the Lord and trust in His faithfulness; we are to find delight in Him; we are to commit our ways to Him and look to Him to bring forth our salvation in the midst of the troublesome times. We are to hold on to our Godly principles and not budge for we are to be light in the darkness around us.

May 23 ► Noah's Arc (SERIES 1 PART) by John Miller

For Noah, God had an ark of safety prepared as a refuge during the storms that came to flood the evil on earth. God sealed Noah into the ark. As believers we are sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise. Today we as face darkness and hard times, I believe that the Lord has built a structure in our hearts -- day by day and week by week. It too is a place of refuge in which He will seal us. You need not fear evil or destruction. As Christians, we are sealed by the Holy Spirit. You may not understand, but what He has built within your heart is a place of refuge. You will be safe in the coming darkness by God’s work within you.

May 16 ►  by John Miller

May 09 ► Mother’s Day by John Miller

The true mother church has been protected from Satan by God in every generation as a remnant of the seed. God has protected His remnant and given it wings to escape to the wilderness to be saved. The choice of the church is to remain faithful to the worship of God alone and not be drawn into the world by the temptations of Satan. Having Christ as your first love is a sign of being a member of the true church and the remnant. We are to avoid the temptations of the world and its teachings, and remain a worshiper of God alone.

May 02 ► God is Alpha & Omega by John Miller
God is the Alpha and the Omega. What He plans, He finishes. As we go through what God has planned, our souls and bodies may sometimes be weakened, but He has promised that the outer man will be strengthened by food and rest and our inner man will be strengthened by Jesus. What He gives will pass all understanding, but Jesus is the food that came down form heaven to give us strength. Our prayer is that we may all rise up in our inner man and reach the goal that God has set before us.

April 04 ► by John Miller

March 28 ► Matt. 25:6 by John Miller
As the Passover came, it was the best of times. but it was also a most troubling of times. Jesus told the disciples that He was the Messiah, but He also told them He had to suffer many things and die. This was a mixed message. There were dark clouds hanging over the horizon and over the Son that was being revealed. As we look back at that those days where Christ was crucified and then resurrected, we see beautiful days ahead. We now look at the coming night and the terrible things ahead. But these dark times will usher in the best of times when the Lord will come back. Let us look up to God and trust Him, knowing that He is good and only does good things

March 21 ► Matt. 25 by John Miller

We are told, “Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming.” The message of this passage is that we are to be watchful, prepared, and ready. We are to have our lamps ready, our wicks trimmed and a supply of oil ready so we can go out and meet the Bridegroom when He comes. The oil . The oil in your lamp does not depend on a service or a ministry. You need light that comes from a personal relationship with God in your lamp does not depend on a service or a ministry. You need light that comes from a personal relationship with God. Seek God while He can be found and have oil for your lamp so you are ready and prepared to meet Him when He comes.

March 14 ► Matt. 25 by John Miller
In the parable of the virgins, we see a need for an abundance of oil and provisions for the night. The foolish neglected to prepare themselves. With the Bridegroom coming, they did not think they would need anything. However, the call was to go out to meet the Bridegroom; they had no oil in their lamps to find Him in the dark streets. From this parable we are cautioned to be prepared and have oil in our lamps. We need to have extra provisions in the dark night ahead. We need to seek God while there is still light; seek Him until the reserves of our hearts are filled and you are ready for the coming night and the Bridegroom.

March 7 ► "He is the Alpha and Omega" by John Miller
Christ said that He stands at the door and knocks. For those that hear His voice, He will be at the door waiting. In the story of the virgins who were waiting for the Bridegroom, only those with oil in their lamps were able to go out and meet Him. Let us be like those, have our lamps lifted up and burning strongly with the light of the Holy Spirit, that we might hear the voice that comes in the middle of the night. It is saying, “It is time to get up. It is time to shake off the dust and slumber. It is time to wake up. It is time to meet the Lord.”

Feb. 28 ► "Called to be watchmen" by John Miller
There is such a strong attack of darkness today and a desire to snuff out the Light. As the night progresses, we will tire and want to rest. All problems seem to intensify at nighttime. One of the spiritual problems of night is drowsiness and sleepiness. But we are called to be watchmen and aware of the enemy‘s approach. Let us be awake at a time such as this and awake as the Spirit of God broods over this nation .It is important that we know what God is saying, and what is happening in the spiritual world around us. God wants us to be watchmen on the tower, so pray to be alert and awake as darkness comes.

Feb. 21 ► "Testimonies of the meetings in Argentina"

Feb. 14 ► Benji Mallory
Where are you going? What is your motivation? What if the Lord said. “You have two days to finish up. You need to stop and consider what is your destiny.” What has God set for you to do? What is your destiny? What is your goal? God is speaking to His people. He is saying, “Prepare! What is your goal? What have I put in your life that you need to accomplish?” God has put it in all our hearts to dream. . God would not have given you a dream as a child or vision, if is was not connected with the personality traits in you for the common good. You have to transfer the dream, but you must do it by the Spirit.

Feb. 7 ► "God keeps His people" by John Miller
My deepest prayer is that the Lord would keep us in this new day of trial. I am aware that this time it is different. It is a time that sucks out the very life, sucks up the hope and sucks up your strength. No matter how strong the darkness is, God’s light shines stronger. He is able to keep, to sustain and to give the victory in every battle. May the Lord give us the strength to keep believing and holding on. Keep getting strength from His strength no matter what happens. . Be wary of what is going on. It is not just circumstance. Identity the cause, and hold on with all your strength and heart. His love will carry us through. He will not permit His testimony to be snuffed out or the light to be turned off.

Jan. 31 ► Worship service.
Today our hearts need renewing. We need power to be reset. We have problems that need solutions; our hearts and souls need answers. Lend God you heart for a little while today and wait in God‘s presence. All God requires is that you love Him. The most important thing is that you love God so set aside everything for a few moments and come before God‘s presence and be renewed.

Jan. 24 ► "He is drawing all men unto Himself." by John Miller
Jesus, the Son of God, is drawing all men unto Himself. While the power of His love draws men, man can try to resist this power. If we go far away, we can still feel His drawing power. This drawing power is the love of God. Jesus came to tell us God is a loving Father. We are not to mistake God’s anger toward our sins as negating His love for us. God hates sin, but He loves us. As we approach God, we come to three circles. In the first circle, we deal with our sins. In the second circle of the first born, we learn, and then we come into the circle of the church where we find all those we love. There we also find Jesus, the one who drew us through His love and whose blood covers our sins.

Jan. 17 ► Communion Service:
Who knows how God will provide for His people. The past is finished and the future is finished. We just have to discover what God has prepared for us. It might take us awhile to realize that things have changed, but it is over. God has finished our future. Jesus’ blood washes away every sin. Christ, and the Son of the living God and His blood was shed for the remission of sin. We believe in the power of Jesus blood to wash away our sins and short comings. In this communion, Father, we ask that you remit our sins that we might live in You.

Jan. 03 ► "Facing the Giants"
God brought us to this present place because He loves us. He brought us here to show us His great power. He brought us here so we can say, “Our God is an awesome God. He reigns in heaven and earth.” We have entered the Promised Land, but we must be giant-slayers to take the land. We must keep the vision of Hebron before us and know God is going to fulfill His promises to make us victorious. We must stand firm and be courageous in all that we face. God is with us as we enter this new year.